KAGVRV is led by Colin Mbugua who holds an Undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Politencico di Milano in Italy and a Masters degree in Architecture from the University of British Columbia in Canada. 

Colin’s primary interest lies in the urban condition of Vancouver. The practise is involved in mediating how multi-generational families cohabitate space. With great influence from British Columbia’s vast and rich country, research between Vancouvers relationship to it’s countryside has led to exhibition and sculptural work to further his engagement with his surrounding territorial issues.

contact : colin@kagvrv.com

KAGVRV is led by Colin Mbugua who holds an Undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Politencico di Milano in Italy and a Masters degree in Architecture from the University of British Columbia in Canada.

Colin’s primary interest lies in the urban condition of Vancouver. The practise is involved in mediating how multi-generational families cohabitate space. With great influence from British Columbia’s vast and rich country, research between Vancouvers relationship to it’s countryside has led to exhibition and sculptural work to further his engagement with his surrounding territorial issues.

contact : colin@kagvrv.com

Earth Room Rotonda

Commissioned by : Cosmos Gallery
Collaborated with : Kirill Lukyanov
Online virtual exhibition
Time : Feb 2021
An exhibition that helps us reflect of the cyclical nature of our human history titled “ The Black Story”.  The Black Story delves into the interactions between Black and South Asian communities in an attempt to examine, expose, and embrace our historical ties. 

©2024 KAGVRV